Every June, like the return of daisies, the annual Bushkill Emergency Corps subscription form arrives in the mailbox. I can honestly tell you it is one of the things you should consider.
Back in 1965, when it was first organized, the need for an ambulance came maybe a couple of times a month. Then it grew to a couple of times a week, then a day, and now it's often a couple of times an hour, which is why it is both vital that the service is there and the fact that we are all part of the instant society now, so when we call, we expect an ambulance to arrive.
With many residents relocating here from areas where ambulance service is a municipal service, that is not the case in our coverage area. Most financial support local nonprofit ambulances receive comes from our subscription programs. Ambulance services in this area are not tax-supported but rely upon the welcome support of our residents and local officials.
Bushkill Emergency Corps subscriptions can certainly come in handy. Ambulance service is vital and, like most medically related services, requires highly trained personnel, technically advanced equipment, and a sincere commitment and passion for our patients' well-being.
Although a 911 call always assures an ambulance in an emergency, a subscription does many things for a subscriber. Mainly, it helps the corps maintain operations, even when the wheels aren't rolling. As the flyer you receive says, the subscription allows for unlimited use of emergency medical services, provides for emergency transports per the Bushkill Emergency Corps policy, allows for the corps to forgive any unpaid portion of a bill beyond any medical insurance payment, allows for terms of payment if necessary. It is honored through mutual aid agreements with surrounding ambulance services.
Concerning insurance, the Corps bills most insurance companies directly. Some insurance carriers issue checks now to the patient/subscriber. When a payment or denial is received, the payment/denial should be forwarded to the ambulance corps providing the service. Not doing so is considered insurance fraud and also voids the subscription benefits.
In addition, your flyer also included a form used to purchase a marker sign. With re-addressing going on now, this will likely come in handy and certainly makes a big difference when there is an emergency. 911 signs should be posted at the end of your driveway and should have address numbers on both sides so it is visible from either direction. It's a good idea to keep the sign and post about 6 to 8 feet away from the roadway to keep it visible but safe from the snow plow.
For more information or to receive a flyer, you can request one by contacting the office of Bushkill Emergency Corps at 570-223-1906 or visit twww.bushkillemergencycorps.com. Ambulance service is a 24/7 operation. They are there all day, every day.
During the most critical times, these are the agencies that help us bridge the gap between crisis and solution. Bushkill Emergency Corps. is proud to serve our neighbors and visitors, playing a vital role in our community.
Once again, it is time for Bushkill Emergency Corps' annual subscription drive. Your annual support helps Bushkill Emergency Corps. provide the best emergency pre-hospital care possible to our residents and visitors.
We bill most insurance companies directly. Some insurance carriers issue checks directly to you, the patient/subscriber. When payment (or denial of payment) is made, you are required to submit now to Bushkill Emergency Corps. the Explanation of Benefits and the endorsed check. Failure to comply would be fraudulent under our subscription agreement and consequently void your subscription benefits. With the ever-increasing changes in healthcare, most HMOs, and related programs, require all emergency services to be reported within 48 hours of a claim in order to be covered. Please remember to do this. Not doing so will nullify your benefits under our subscription plan. Hence, you, the subscriber, would be responsible for any expenses incurred for our services.
Subscription are available for our surrounding municipalities and boroughs of E. Stroudsburg, Del. Water Gap, Price Township, and Lehman Township.
Subscription term: July 1 through June 30 of each year.
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We are currently hiring full-time, part-time, and per diem paramedics. For additional information call (570) 223-1906.